Pumpkin seeds kill pests

There is no significant scientific evidence that pumpkin seeds can help get rid of pests. Neither WHO nor the US National Health Service makes this recommendation. How many seeds you need to eat too, no one will say for sure. There is no verified data from medical organizations on this. We will tell you how to get rid of pests and whether it is worth eating pumpkin seeds.

pumpkin seeds kill pests

How to know if you have parasites

Himself at home will not be able to understand whether there are pests. Often times, these uninvited roommates don't show off in any way. They can only be seen in the toilet after going to the toilet or in vomit.

Many of the symptoms that indicate parasites can actually be signs of many other diseases. For example, diarrhea, bloody stools, nausea or vomiting can still be symptoms of poisoning or gastrointestinal illness.

And it's happening the other way around. Symptoms that have nothing to do with digestion and bowel function may indicate that parasites are present in the body. For example, roundworm larvae can end up in the lungs. Then the person will be tormented by coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. He may appear to have bronchitis or pneumonia.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after examination and examination. Therefore, it is better to go to a therapist right away.

If the doctor confirms your suspicions, he will recommend a stool test. Such a test can be prescribed if diarrhea, cramps, gas and other unpleasant symptoms of the intestines occur regularly.

Less commonly, endoscopic exams are used, when a tube with a camera on the end is inserted into the mouth or anus. This is only done if nothing was found in the feces, but the doctor has reason to suspect the presence of parasites.

In some cases, a blood test is done for the antibodies and antigens with which the body responds to possible infection. If tests and endoscopy haven't found the parasites, your doctor may order an MRI, X-ray, or CT scan. But it is very rare.

How to get rid of parasites

There are many popular recipes on how to get rid of parasites with a decoction of tansy, red pepper, garlic or soda. But the dosage of the ingredients is not clear, and these methods cannot be called effective. There is also no verified data on how the herbal treatment works. In addition, all these methods do not take into account possible side effects and allergic reactions.

There are effective drugs that can help get rid of parasites. These medicines should not be taken for prophylactic purposes or prescribed by yourself, as different parasites require different remedies. Only a doctor selects the appropriate drug and its dosage.

Pumpkin seeds will not help in the fight against pests at all?

Very, very unlikely: there are many parasites and science does not know which worms they can help with. But if you really want to add pumpkin seeds to medication intake, you won't hurt yourself. Pumpkin seeds are healthy and contain 13 mg of iron per 100 grams. The iron norm for men over 18 and women over 50 is 8, 7 mg per day, and for women from 19 to 50 years - 14, 8 mg per day. It is needed to create red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron can also be obtained from meat, dried fruits, legumes and nuts.

Pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw or roasted. Add them to baked goods, salads, and cereals if you're not allergic. For plant iron to be better absorbed, eat foods that contain vitamin C - citrus fruits, peppers, strawberries, currants, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.

How to avoid getting infected with parasites

The main risk factors are young age, hot climate and poor hygiene. For example, children under the age of 10 can become carriers of roundworms and pinworms because they often do not wash their hands, like to play in mud, and jump in puddles.

To avoid the appearance of parasites, follow these rules:

  • Drink only bottled water in unsanitary areas.
  • Do not eat pre-cut fruits and vegetables, for example in markets.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Do not kiss animals or wash your hands after handling them.
  • Wash vegetables and fruit thoroughly.
  • Try not to eat raw seafood.
  • Heat meat, fish and poultry until cooked through.

If you think you have parasites, or may have seen them, don't search the Internet for how much to mix soda and red pepper. Most parasitic infections are now treated very simply. For example, one dose of mebendazole helps with pinworms and another dose after a few weeks. Go to your doctor immediately and drink medicine only as prescribed - if the dosage is incorrect, it can be toxic.

Contact your pediatrician if your child is infected with the parasite. If you have it, see your GP or GP.